Zoho Mail

W Zoho Mail nie można włączyć konta użytkownika+problem z odbieraniem nowej poczty po zalogowaniu do Zoho Mail

Klienci często po przeniesieniu skrzynki pocztowej do Zoho skarżą się na brak możliwości właczenia adresu e-mail oraz zdublowanie tego adresu poprzez stworzony identyczny alias w Zoho Mailu.
Jeden z klientów dodatkowo zauważył, że może bez problemów odbierać maile ze skrzynek pocztowych w Outlooku. Po zalogowaniu do poczty Zoho pojawiały sie komunikaty błędu.


Przeanalizowany adres e-mail  and found that the same address ( Mailbox address ) has been configured as POP Account. Earlier, we used to allow adding the same Mailbox address as POP account. Now, we made some changes and the same Mailbox Address cannot be added as POP account.

Currently, the POP account is in Disabled state. If you try Enabling the account, you will face a error message 'User already exists'.

To overcome this issue, the Primary address ( Mailbox Address) should be altered to some extent, so that you will be able to Enable the POP account.                                                                                                                                                                                                          
We request you to follow the instruction provided below in order to configure Mail box Alias. 

1. Login to your Super Admin Account-  twojadres@twojadomena.pl

2. Go to Control Panel >> Mail Accounts >> Select your  email address. 

3. You will notice the option Mail Box Alias >> Add new Alias. 

4. Provide your Alias Address as twojadresand choose the domain @twojadomena.pl from drop down. 

5. Save it. 

6. Notice the top of that option for-  Mailbox Address. You will currently see the adres twojadres@twojadomena.pl

7. Choose the option 'Change'. You can select the Alias Address that you've created from the drop down. 

8. Save it. 

9. Go to your Zoho Mail Account page and reload it once again. 

10. Go to Settings >> Mail Accounts and you will find their POP account in DISABLED state. Click on the word Disabled to ENABLE the account. It will be enabled without any issues. 

11. Wait and monitor for sometime and check if all the mails are getting fetched. 

NOTE:- Altering the Primary Address, will not affect the incoming mails. Follow the instructions as exactly provided and do not delete any Email Address.

Hope this clarifies. 

If you are in need of any further clarifications, please feel free to get back to us with your Contact and time of availability, so that we can arrange for a remote session once again and resolve your issue.
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